Apuntes y demás
Paisajismo emocional: Valle de Lágrimas - Tinta china y lápices acuarelables sobre papel, 2019
Cuando hayamos acabado con todo y todo haya acabado con nosotros, seguirá habiendo vida. / Mother nature doesn't need us. Acrylic paint and ink on paper or canvas.
by Adriana Salazar
Hayakawa’s paintings and drawings depict elements of the cityscape and landscape in an unfamiliar way. On a certain work’s background, for instance, the skyline of a city is outlined, while above it a large cloud of pollution seems to come to life. The cloud is depicted by means of a single color block, as it stares at the viewer candidly. These strange elements, summed up as the presence of inanimate objects coming to life, predict or mourn the disasters left after the construction of modern cities. They are persistent throughout Hayakawa’s work in different manners: smiling pollution clouds, chopped trees staring in expectation or closing their eyes in meditation, gushes of oil showing their threatening teeth. The faces staring at us from a field or from the top of an anonymous town, are the faces of the anomaly, of something or someone trying to conquer or escape the way landscapes have become in the present.
Cosas terribles pintadas con una cierta ternura. / Terrible things painted with certain sweetness.
Acrylic paint, ink, colour pencils or enamel on paper or canvas.
Formas con ojos y bocas. / Shapes with eyes and mouths.
Mixed media.